Ahhh, the magic phrases that seem to bring new customers my way. Gotta love Google!
Lately, I've had some more unconventional requests from people. Several have called wanting advice on starting up their own digi-for-hire business. I'm only too glad to talk to them and share what I have learned as I've organized and built my little business. I believe there is more than enough work out there for lots of scrapbookers for hire.
Another lady has requested tutoring in PhotoShop Elements so that she can do her own digi-scrapping. We will have our first telephone lesson today. I use PhotoShop CS3 so the menus and such are going to be different - I'm hoping that won't be too big an issue. I have used Elements in the past so I hope I can remember enough to make the tutoring worthwhile. This very nice lady from Massachussetts will be in San Francisco next month, accompanying her husband on a business trip. Since I'm only 35 miles from S.F. we are going to take advantage of the close physical proximity to get together in person for hands-on tutoring. It will be great to meet her, too!
I find a lot of inspiration for my page layout designs from magazines. Recently I came across an ad in a women's mag (I think it was Ladies' Home Journal) that I based the following layout on. It's probably not everyone's cup o' tea, but I like it. Now if I could just figure out where to put a title and journaling!